W01T10 – Move your heart closer and closer to God

I think the Passion translation really captures the essence of the passage; “Move your heart closer and closer to God, and He will come even closer to you.” Maybe another way to say it is He wants to know if you are really interested in Him and are going to put forth the effort to know Him, really know Him. Does that sound familiar ladies?

Have you ever been pursued by someone before?

And I don’t mean sexually, but relationally. Have you been pursued for your heart, to hear your thoughts, to hear your dreams, to understand your complexity, to unravel the mystery of who you are?

How did that make you feel? Valuable? Loved? Important? Worthy?

It probably made your heart come alive, didn’t it? Why? Because it’s a core desire of your heart. There is something about being seen, pursued, and fought for that infers value to who you are and what you possess as a person. That is also a reflection of Jesus and His heart, of His worth and value.

I want to show you a clip from the movie Jerry Maguire with Tom Cruise and Renee Zellewegger. Jerry (Tom Cruise) is a sports agent and is consumed with himself and following his career goals. He ends up marrying a secretary that left with him to start his own business. He values her loyalty and work ethic but they pretty much have a business relationship. Eventually, she leaves him because she doesn’t feel loved or pursued. Over time Jerry, after coming to his senses, sees who she is and what she brings to his life, and he decides that even though he has undervalued and under appreciated her, that he will pursue her. Watch this scene and how she responds.